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Display and Bulletin Board Policy
Approved by the York County Library Board of Trustees on Sept. 18, 2007
The display and distribution of library, government, educational, and community information complements the York County Library System’s mission to provide access to a wide range of information and viewpoints.
The display of any non-library materials such as newsletters, posters, brochures, flyers, or any other notices in the library does not indicate that the library either advocates or endorses the viewpoints expressed.
Items announcing and promoting library programs and local, state, and federal government information take precedence over all other types of information. Space is limited and is available on a first-come, first served basis.
All materials to be displayed must be approved by a library department manager. The library reserves the right to refuse to display any material based on size, weight, format, appearance, volume or timeliness. The library will not display materials that violate local, state, or federal laws.
The library also reserves the right to limit the amount of material to be distributed, to monitor and control distribution methods used, and to determine the physical location where the material is distributed throughout the system.
The library director will determine what items may not be displayed, with a final appeal to the York County Library board.
All dated items are removed by the library staff on a timely basis. Other items are displayed for a maximum of four weeks. Materials cannot be returned once given to the library.
All items posted without library permission will be removed and discarded.
The library will not copy additional materials or request additional copies for display.
Surveys, petitions, etc. may be posted but the library assumes no responsibility for collection or preservation.
Only the library will mount displays in display cases. Individuals interested in co-sponsoring a display with the library should contact the Community Relations Manager. The library will accept no liability for damages for materials belonging to individuals placed in co-sponsored displays.